By Breda Courtney Murphy – Practicing Primary Teacher
Mrs Murphy’s Junior Infants Copies
One pack – Junior Infants. A whole year’s writing in just one pack. The art of handwriting hasn’t changed. Mrs Murphy’s Copies are going back to basics. These copies will save teachers hours of preparatory work as they will never need to dot a copy again. Instructions for Good Posture, Writing and Pencil Grip on inside cover. Fully cursive copies for 1st & 2nd classes to follow.
Pattern Copy
Develops fine motor skills
Makes letter formation easier
Develops fluency in writing
Letter Copy
Develops pre-cursive letter formation
All 26 lower case letters included
Revision/Assessment pages throughout the copy
Writing Copy
Progression to writing words and sentences using HFW and CVC rhyming words
Revision/Assessment pages throughout the copy
The Benefits
Pre-cursive approach to writing.
Graded Writing
Graded writing developed in a structured way. Children begin with writing patterns, leading to writing letters, words and sentences with confidence and fluency.
Day 1
Junior Infant children can start their Pattern Copy on day 1 of the new school year.
All 26 Letters
All 26 letters included (Junior Infants – lower case, Senior Infants – capital letters).
Designed with a phonics approach – CVC and rhyming words in Junior Infants, consonant and vowel digraphs in Senior Infants.
HFW used in phrases and sentences.
These copies allow for differentiation as children progress through the writing stages at their own pace under teacher guidance and supervision.
Children frequently struggle with letter heights. These copies offer support by using red and blue lines throughout until the children become confident writers.
Revision / Assessment pages incorporated throughout.