Gill Shakespeare Focus: King Lear is a new and beautifully illustrated version of the play which expertly assists students in understanding Shakespeare’s great work and thoroughly prepares them for the Leaving Certificate examination.
Focused scene-by-scene analysis:
Introductory Overview
Summary and in-depth Critical Analysis
Key Quotes plus commentary
Exam-style questions and Sample Paragraphs with Examiner’s Comments.* Essential study notes:
Characters and relationships – analytical study
Central Themes and Issues
Dramatic Techniques – including imagery, letters, plot and sub-plot, irony and soliloquies
Succinct treatment of King Lear as a Comparative Text – modes defined, key moments explored
Exam Focus – purposeful use of key scenes, paragraphing succinctly, quoting effectively
Full Sample Essays – marked and graded with invaluable Examiner’s Comments*
Sample answer plans and paragraphs enable students to scaffold successful answers
Sample Leaving Certificate exam questions relevant to the latest changes in the exam.