A complete course in Junior Cycle Spanish. Includes portfolio book, FREE ebook plus FREE Fiesta app on Google Play and Apple App Store
Features of Fiesta
Integrated listening, reading, oral and writing exercises build a foundation for communicative competence
Learning intentions outline topics, grammar and culture at the start of each unit
Grammar explanations followed by practice tasks
In-unit vocabulario boxes and end-of-book glossary offer ease of reference
¡Ojo! feature fosters language awareness
Preguntas claves feature identifies the key oral questions for each topic
Autoevaluación checks after key topics
El mundo hispanohablante feature and culture-based exercises build socio-cultural knowledge and intercultural awareness
La revisión section at the end of each unit reinforces new vocabulary and concepts
El texto auténtico feature provides real-world context
Portafolio – a place for students to:
Compile a collection of written, digital and creative texts in preparation for Classroom-Based Assessments
Keep a record of useful responses to oral questions
Reflect on and evaluate their progress and identify language-learning strategies
Find out about assessment for Junior Cycle Spanish and practise exam-style questions
Fiesta app – free download on Google Play and Apple App Store – allows students to practise Junior Cycle Spanish on the go with unit-based lessons