Artefact Second Edition meets all of the learning outcomes of the Junior Cycle History specification and will give students the skills and knowledge needed for their Classroom-Based Assessments and Final Examination.
Key Features
- Learning intentions and Checkpoint questions bookend each sub-topic.
- Practice with Sources questions, featuring a wide variety of sources, are integrated throughout.
- Video links with corresponding worksheets appear in every chapter.
- Hands on History active tasks make history come alive.
- Expedition tasks with corresponding worksheets give students many opportunities to investigate repositories of historical evidence.
- Change Maker biographies give information on interesting figures and can be used as a springboard for CBA 2.
- Commemorating the Past, Contentious Issue and Reinterpreting the Past boxes and Strand 1 question icon provide clear links to Strand 1 outcomes throughout.
- A Summary, Key Terms bank and CBA Task appear at the end of each chapter.
- Chapters end with a full Exam-Style Question based on the SEC sample paper, and an Exam Focus box giving advice on how to approach different styles of examination questions.
- Dedicated Cultural, Sporting and Social Movements in Ireland, Technological Developments and Health and Medicine chapters bring together all the information required to deal with outcomes 2.10, 3.11 and 3.14.
- Skills and Supports book contains worksheets, additional questions and activities. A dedicated CBA section gives clear information and guidance on both Classroom-Based Assessments and the Assessment Task.