Alles Klar – Portfoliobuch Only
Product components
Alles Klar – Textbook & Portfoliobuch Set
Alles Klar – Textbook (not available separately)
Alles Klar – Portfoliobuch Only (this product)
What the publisher says
Features of the Alles Klar Portfoliobuch:
Large A4 size, same dimensions as textbook.
Builds a collection of student texts and a record of learning.
Extended writing tasks, including formal and informal letters, emails, postcards, blog posts, reviews and short stories.
Creative exercises, including invitations, posters and pamphlets.
Research tasks, including use of German websites.
Group oral tasks, such as weather reports, surveys, presentations and debates.
Practice completing forms and reservations.
Ãœber mich! factfile.
Sprechen Revision linked to each chapter topic.
Alles Klar? self-evaluation for each textbook chapter.
Note: this Portfolio book is included FREE with the Alles Klar – Textbook & Portfoliobuch Set